Eskişehir Tekinik University - university logo

Eskişehir Tekinik University

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Biology Department
Physics Department
Statistics Department
Chemical Department
Math Department
Air Traffic Control Section
Aviation Electrical And Electronics Department
Aviation Management Department
Pilotage Section
Airplane Body And Motor Care Department
Industrial Design Department
Graphic Design Department
Department Of Interior Architecture
Department Of Architecture
City And Regional Planning Department
Textile And Fashion Design Department
Basic Design Education Department
Computer Engineering Department
Environmental Engineering Department
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department
Industrial Engineering Department
Civil Engineering Department
Chemical Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Material Science And Engineering Department
Department Of Space Sciences And Technology Engineering
Computer Technologies Department
Handicraft Department
Electric And Energy Department
Electronics And Automation Department
Department Of Visual-Office Techniques And Media Production
Construction Department
Department Of Machinery And Metal Technologies
Material And Materials Processing Technologies Department
Motor Vehicles And Transport Technologies Department
Design Section
Textile, Clothing, Shoes And Leather Department
Transportation Services Department
Coaching Training Department
Department Of Physical Education And Sports
Recreation Department
Sports Management Department
Management And Organization Department
Foreign Languages ​​Department
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Contact info
+90 5525364741
+90 5525364741
+90 5525364741
Şehremeni Mah. Kızılelma Cad. No: 2/6 Fatih / istanbul
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