Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Programs & Fees  جامعة  سكاريا للعلوم التطبيقية - رسوم التخصصات  - ترتيب الجامعة

Sakarya Uygulamali Bilimler University

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What are the Programs of Sakarya University of Applied Sciences ? How much are Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Tuition Fees ? How to apply and register at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences? 

All this information and more of them will be learned through our article about Sakarya University of Applied Sciences in addition to general information about Sakarya Applied University

About Sakarya Applied Sciences University:

sakarya university of applied sciences was established in 2018 after its separation from Sakarya University and took the slogan "Integrating Knowledge with Skill", as it seeks to graduate experienced and competent individuals who are able to meet the needs of society in various fields through 8 faculties, 12 vocational schools, a graduate institute and an institute for teaching foreign languages.

Features of studying at Sakarya Applied University:

  1. Sakarya University of Applied Sciences is one of the most important public universities in Turkey, which is a destination for many international students due to its cheap tuition fees.

  2. It is characterized by its proximity to Istanbul, which makes it the preferred university for international students wishing to study at one of the universities near Istanbul.

  3. The university has many sports facilities such as playgrounds and training venues, enabling its students to practice their favorite sport and invest their time in the best way.

  4. The university offers its students various study programs for various stages of diploma, bachelor's and master's degrees, as the university includes 12 vocational institutes, 6 colleges and an institute for graduate studies.

Disadvantages of studying at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences:

Medical specialties are not available at the university.

The lack of specializations available in English, as the basic language of instruction at the university is in the Turkish language.

Conditions for registration at sakarya university of applied sciences:

A secondary school certificate with a minimum average of 50% and a certificate of proficiency in the Turkish language are required, if any, or the student can enter the placement test at the university or study a preparatory year to learn the Turkish language at the same university.

Study in English at sakarya university of applied sciences:

The university has a single major of 30% in English and 70% in Turkish, which is the specialization of international trade and finance, but the university offers many diverse specializations to its students in the Turkish language and the 5 most numerous specializations for international students at Sakarya Applied University are engineering disciplines, including civil engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, in addition to some other  disciplines such as nursing, public administration, international relations. 

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Tuition Fees:

sakarya university of applied sciences fees for undergraduate majors start from 350$ and go up to 850$.

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Ranking:

sakarya university of applied sciences ranking at the level of local Turkish universities is 156 and its global world ranking is 8114.

Sakarya Applied University location:

The university is located in the city of Sakarya, which is famous for its beautiful nature and wonderful weather, which attracts tourists from different parts of the world and is characterized by its proximity to the city center, which is only 10 minutes away.

Location of Sakarya Applied University on the map:

Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi,Kemalpaşa, 54050 Serdivan/Sakarya

International Student Office at Sakarya Applied University:

There is an international student office on campus that helps students complete their transactions within the university and provides them with advice regarding their university life and studies.

Study Medicine at Sakarya Applied University:

Medicine is not available at the university.

Study Engineering at sakarya university of applied sciences:

Many engineering majors are available at Sakarya Applied University, including Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, and Food Engineering. 

Master's studies at sakarya university of applied sciences:

The university has many and varied specializations in various fields, all of which are in Turkish, including biomedical engineering, computer engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgical and materials  engineering, mechatronics engineering, automotive engineering, landscape engineering, health management, tourism management, international and financial trade, international trade and logistics, field plants, plant protection and many more. 

Recognitions of Sakarya Applied Sciences University:

Sakarya Applied University has obtained the recognition of the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education and the recognition of many European Union countries and all Arab countries except Iraq and Jordan.

Student Clubs at Sakarya Applied University:

Sakarya Applied University is interested in social and cultural activities,  which aim to support and enhance the cultural and social aspects of its students and enable them to benefit from their free time through various student clubs on its campus, where the university includes 51 diverse student clubs, including:

  • Red Crescent Club.

  • Technology and Research Club.

  • Environmental Protection Club.

  • Sports club.

  • Landscape Club.

  • Culinary Arts Club.

  • Tourist Club.

  • Future Engineers Club.

  • Young Entrepreneurs Club.

  • Cinema and Photography Club.

Service facilities at Sakarya Applied University:

  1. Medico Social Center:

The center aims to protect the physical and mental health of students, deal with their social and moral needs, provide them with opportunities to evaluate their time according to their interests and acquire new interests for the purpose of improving their health and social status and contributing to the development of their personalities and the development of their abilities.

Through the center, psychological counseling and counseling services are provided by 4 psychologists, in addition to outpatient services by two doctors and 7 nurses.

  1. Sports facilities:

Sakarya Applied University has many sports facilities on its campus, some of which are:

  • A 6,000-person artificial grass football field with an area of 10,800 m2 is used by Sakarya Applied University students.

  • The fitness center offers its services to students outside of the hours of athletics classes.

  • The Sports Machines Hall is located on the first floor of the Faculty of Sports building, which includes 100 different and varied fitness equipment within the hall, which covers an area of 500 m2 and is pre-booked online.

  • The gymnasium is also located within the building of the Faculty of Sports Sciences with an internal area of 1000 m2 and can accommodate 650 people and is used for team sports such as basketball, volleyball and handball, and there is a climbing wall inside it for the lesson of sports climbing and thereis another hall with a closed area of 2780 m2 inside the building of the Faculty of Sports Sciences as well.

  1. University Library: Sakarya Applied University includes a huge library that contains many electronic databases as well as thousands of books and scientific resources, as well as the National Thesis Center, in which research and studies are published for those wishing to publish them in the library of the Higher Education Council, which can be accessed through the university library via the Internet. 

  2. Restaurants and cafeterias:

Within the  campus of Sakarya Applied University there are 16 dining halls, halls on the esentepe campus and 14 cafeterias on the main campus where lunch is served in the central dining hall of the esentepe campus from 10:30 to 14:30 and international students are served food in the main campus hall from 11:30 to 13:30 and dinner at the esentepe campus From 15.30 to 18.30 and on the main campus it is served from 16.30 to 18.30 There are dining halls in the vocational schools of the university.

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Campus:

Sakarya University is located in the city of Sakarya, which is famous for the beauty of its medicine, as it is considered one of the most famous tourist places in Turkey, which attracts tourists from all over the world The university's location is characterized by its proximity to the city center and the wonderful Sapanca Lake, which is only 10 minutes away, allowing students of this university to enjoy the beauty of the city in addition to their studies in it.  

University Location on the Map:

Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Kemalpaşa, 54050 Serdivan/Sakarya

Establishment of Sakarya University of Applied Sciences:

Sakarya Applied University was established in 2018 where Sakarya Applied University separated from Sakarya University 

With the aim of contributing to the production of science and the development of technology by integrating knowledge with skill to graduate qualified and trained individuals to respond to the changing needs of the world with a focus on attributing professionalism, critical and analytical thinking and developing their communication skills.

Sakarya Applied University Vision:

Nurturing individuals who can add value to humanity with analytical thinking skills and are able to combine knowledge with skill to produce global science, technology and services.

Objective of Sakarya Applied University:

To be a leading internationally recognized university in applied education and research that offers its innovative curriculum to students to enable them to produce solutions in various fields of science and technology.

Sakarya Applied Sciences University Advantages

  1. The university has a modern infrastructure that enables its students to apply practically in its laboratories in addition to containing many research and application centers.

  2. The university has a large library that contains printed and digital scientific books, as well as scientific journals, references, research and studies that contribute to facilitating students' access to information and providing them with the necessary support in their studies and scientific activities.

  3. Sakarya University of Applied Sciences is a member of the Erasmus student exchange program, allowing its students to study at an EU university for one semester or a full academic year.

  4. The university is home to 1695 international students from 71 nationalities studying at Sakarya Applied University.

  5. The university offers its educational programs in Turkish and allows students to learn Turkish at the same university.

  6. The university is characterized by having a strong, capable and highly experienced teaching staff.

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Ranking

Sakarya Applied Sciences University is ranked locally at 156 and its global ranking is 8114.

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Tuition Fees

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences fees for undergraduate majors range from 350$ up to 850$. 

You can also see the fees schedule for Sakarya University of Applied Sciences University programs at the bottom of the page

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Programs

  1. College of Health Sciences.

  2. Faculty of Sports Sciences.

  3. Faculty of Technology.

  4. Faculty of Tourism.

  5. Faculty of Applied Sciences.

  6. Faculty of Agriculture.

  7. Western Black Sea College of Marine Sciences.

  8. Faculty of Transport and Logistics.

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Application Conditions

in order to apply and register at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences , the following documents are required:

  1. A copy of the secondary school certificate translated into Turkish and certified by the Noter.

  2. A copy of the transcript translated into Turkish and certified by the notary.

  3.  A copy of the passport translated into Turkish.

  4. Personal photo.

  5. Certificate of YÖS or SAT, if any.

  6. Turkish language proficiency certificate, if any.

You can apply 100% free to charge at sakarya university of applied sciences through the electronic application portal on our website.

Certificates accepted by the university with a minimum mention: 

  • YÖS exam for admission to Faculties with a minimum score requirement 50/100.

  • YÖS exam for admission to institutes with a minimum score requirement 40/100.

  • The SAT exam for admission to Faculties with a minimum score requirement 300 for mathematics.

  • The SAT exam for admission to institutes with a minimum score requirement 250 for mathematics.

YÖS exams accepted by Sakarya Applied University: 

To find out which universities accept Sakarya Applied University with its YÖS exam, you can enter the following link:

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences FAQS

  1. What is Sakarya University of Applied Sciences ranking ?

Sakarya Applied Sciences University according to world rankings has a local ranking of 156 locally and a global ranking of 8114.

  1. Is Sakarya Applied University good?

Sakarya Applied University provides its students with practical training in the university's laboratories, where there is a dedicated training program in each discipline, which contributes to helping students acquire the skills and experiences that qualify them to enter the labor market.

  1. How to register at Sakarya Applied University?

The initial acceptance can be obtained through our company, Imtiyaz Company, by contacting us after preparing the necessary papers for registration, which are a secondary school certificate, a transcript of high school diploma, a certificate of proficiency in the Turkish language, if any, a copy of the passport and a personal photo. 

  1. What are the conditions for registration at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences?

It provides a secondary school certificate with a minimum average of 60%, a transcript for the secondary school certificate and a certificate of proficiency in the Turkish language, or the student must study a preparatory year for learning the Turkish language at the same university.

  1. Is it possible to study in English at Sakarya University of Applied Sciences?

The language of study at Sakarya Applied University is the Turkish language, a single major is available by 30% in English and 70% in Turkish, which is the specialization of international trade and finance, while therest of the specializations are available in Turkish only.

  1. Is Sakarya University of Applied Sciences recognized?

Sakarya Applied University is recognized by the Turkish Higher Education Council and recognized by the European Union and all Arab countries except Iraq and Jordan.

  1. Where is Sakarya Applied University located?

Sakarya Applied University is located in Sakarya, which is about two and a half hours away from the city center of Istanbul and is characterized by its proximity to the city center, which is considered a center of attraction for tourists due to the beauty of its nature.

  1. What are Sakarya University of Applied Sciences fees ?

Sakarya University of Applied Sciences tuition fees for international students for undergraduate programs range from 350$ to 850$ as it’s varied according to major.

Sakarya Applied Sciences University

At the end of our article, in which we talked about Sakarya University of Applied Sciences Ranking locally and globally, and we mentioned  Sakarya University of Applied Sciences fees and explained Sakarya University of Applied Sciences programs application conditions

programdegreelanguagefeesfees after discountnotes
Health Care Services Department
Therapy And Rehabilitation Department
Department Of Medical Services And Techniques
Management And Organization Department
Electric And Energy Department
Electronics And Automation Department
Department Of Machinery And Metal Technologies
Architecture And City Planning Department
Motor Vehicles And Transport Technologies Department
Department Of Property Protection And Security
Motor Vehicles And Transport Technologies Department
Transportation Services Department
Accounting And Tax Department
Design Section
Textile, Clothing, Shoes And Leather Department
Computer Technologies Department
Office Services And Secretariat Department
Foreign Trade Department
Department Of Finance-Banking And Insurance
Park And Garden Plants Department
Marketing And Advertising Department
Wholesale And Retail Sales Department
Construction Department
Material And Materials Processing Technologies Department
Machinery Metal Technologies Department
Hotel, Restaurant And Catering Services Department
Department Of Finance Banking And Insurance
Herbal And Animal Production Department
Pharmacy Services Department
Food Processing Department
Chemical And Chemical Processing Technologies Department
Veterinary Section
Language And Speech Therapy Department
Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Department
Nursing Section
Audiology Department
Health Management Department
Environmental Protection Technologies Department
Handicraft Department
Department Of Journalism And Journalism
Department Of Visual-Office Techniques And Media Production
Travel-Turism And Entertainment Services Department
Coaching Training Department
Department Of Physical Education And Sports
Recreation Department
Sports Management Department
Computer Engineering Department
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department
Civil Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Department
Mechatronics Engineering Department
Department Of Metallurgical And Materials Engineering
Department Of Engineering Basic Sciences
Automotive Engineering Department
Department Of Gastronomy And Culinary Arts
Recreation Management Department
Tourism Management Department
Tourism Guidance Department
Department Of Finance And Banking
Department Of International Trade And Finance
Department Of International Trade And Business
Department Of International Trade And Logistics
Department Of Translation And Translation
Foreign Languages ​​Department
Hard Plants Department
Plant Protection Department
Landscape Architecture Department
Field Plants Department
Phone number*
Disadvantages of studying in Turkey | Pros and Cons عيوب الدراسة في تركيا | عيوب الجامعات الخاصة و الحكومية
Study in turkey
One of the most important advantages of study in Turkey is the low costs of living and education in Turkey compared to European countries.In addition, most Turkish universities provide their students with the possibility of studying in Turkey in the English language in Turkish public and private universities, which contributes to preparing graduates of Turkish universities to enter the global labor market.Turkish universities also pay great attention to scientific research, by providing laboratories and laboratories equipped with the latest technologies that will help students and provide them with the necessary support during their research and studies.Turkey is ranked seventh as the best country to live and work, ahead of many Western countries, and ranked sixth as the most attractive country for students and tourists, as the number of visitors to the city of Istanbul alone reached more than 115 million people within 15 years for the purpose of work, study and tourism. Turkish universities are accredited. It is recognized and Turkey’s classification and ranking in education increases globally in general and in Europe in particular.
Advantages of studying and education in TürkiyeHigh quality education - studying in Turkey in English - low tuition costs
Disadvantages of studying and education in TürkiyeThe lack of a central system for registration in Turkish universities, the difficulty of obtaining admission to study medicine
Costs and tuition fees of Turkish universitiesIt ranges from 400 to 6000 dollars for bachelor’s majors
Required documents and how to apply to study in TürkiyeOnly a high school certificate and a passport can be obtained for free through the study office in Turkey
Also, most of the private and public universities in Turkey are internationally recognized and have student exchange agreements with many European and international countries, which allows students of these universities the possibility of studying for one semester or a full academic year in one of the partner universities in student exchange programs, and this allows students By making international friends, it gives them opportunities to learn about different cultures from several countries around the world.The disadvantages and disadvantages of studying in Turkey cannot be considered compared to its advantages, and we will talk in detail about the disadvantages of education in Turkey in this article.Turkey's public and private universities have developed the education system in Turkey in line with modern international standards to become... 6 of the strongest and best universities in Turkey were also selected from among the top 500 universities at the global level, and the rest of the universities also occupied distinguished ranks.The number of Turkish states in which there is no university is zero, as there is at least one university in each state. There are 209 universities throughout Turkish territory, of which 131 are government universities (11 technical universities, two fine arts universities, and one advanced technology institute, in addition to... To the Police Academy and the National Defense University) and 78 endowment (private) universities, most of which are concentrated in the cities of Istanbul and Ankara.Conditions of studying in Turkey:Turkey is considered one of the most in-demand study destinations in the world due to the ease of obtaining university admission. There are not many study conditions in Turkey. All students who have completed secondary school can study in most of the best universities in Turkey without any additional conditions. High-ranking universities require... Turkish universities are internationally recognized based on the results of the SAT or YOS test. The same applies to students wishing to pursue postgraduate studies in Turkey. They can obtain university admission and register in Turkish universities without any conditions related to the average or the results of international tests. As for how Study in Turkey, contact us to secure your university admission to study in Turkey for free at all private universities in Turkey.Study at private universities in Turkey:Private universities in Turkey are widely accepted by students from all over the world. They are also supervised by the Supreme Council of Turkish Universities and are recognized inside and outside Turkey. They are characterized by many advantages that make them an attractive center for students. They try to apply European standards as much as possible and have many joint agreements with... European Union universities and universities in Arab countries as well. There are no conditions for admission, and it is possible to guarantee admission to most private universities in Turkey, and they have a good global and local ranking. Most private universities are concentrated in Istanbul and Ankara, and study fees in private universities are considered appropriate compared to other countries. Other, it is possible to study most majors in the English language in private universities in Turkey, and we have prepared a detailed explanation about studying in private Turkish universities in Next article .Study at public universities in Turkey:Public universities in Turkey are distinguished by their distinguished and prestigious status and their obtaining distinguished recognitions from almost all countries of the world, which facilitates the process of equivalency of the degree after graduation. Public universities are characterized by a very high global and local ranking with many international recognitions and a diversity of university specializations, especially in the master’s and doctoral stages, and they are chosen. By students due to the low costs of studying in public universities, but it is difficult to find specializations taught in the English language. There are some specializations taught in the English language in some public universities in Turkey, but due to the high competition for them, only very distinguished international students are accepted, and public universities need many Conditions for obtaining admission, and the SAT and YOS tests are considered among the most important criteria for admission to Turkish public universities. It is possible to read more about public universities in Turkey in Next article 
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Turkey scholarships المنحة التركية
Turkey Scholarships
The Turkey Scholarship  is one of the most famous scholarship programs around the world, as Turkey  has opened its doors to education for many international students based on the decisions of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, and this scholarship is announced on the Turkey Scholarship website annually.   The most important feature of the turkey government scholarships for international students is the diversity of specialisations and study programs, which led to an increase in the number of study seats granted to foreign students, reaching more than 2000 university seats in recent years.Main purpose of Turkiye Burslari is to provide equal opportunities for foreign students from all over the world to receive scholarships according to international standards, and provide them with a quality education in Turkey. Due to the availability of many academic specialisations in English, the demand for registration in this scholarship is very large, and the number of online applications on the Turkey Burslari website has reached more than 250,000 applications for different academic degrees and nationalities, and the intense competition and the high number of applications is one of the biggest disadvantages of the Turkey Scholarship .The "Turkey Government Scholarship" aims to support international students in undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate studies and also aims to support graduate students.Many international students around the world interested in studying in Turkey register for the Turkey Scholarship  and fill out the scholarship applications online on the official website of the Turkey Scholarships.  The Turkey Scholarships  link is activated in the first month of each year.Date of Application for the Turkey Scholarships  2024Registration for the Turkish government scholarship is carried out from the date of 10.01.2024 until the date of 20.02.2024Students wishing to register are advised to apply early, as the great pressure on the site causes some technical errors in the last days of registration.One of the most important advantages of the Turkey Scholarships  is that it covers all tuition fees, a monthly salary for admitted students, student housing and flight ticket. The scholarship presidency is concerned with attracting students who are academically or socially distinguished or who have volunteer activities or have practical experience. However, although the acceptance rate for the Turkiye Scholarships  is not high, we advise all students to apply for the Turkey Scholarships , as many evaluation criteria are unknown and some students who do not excel academically can obtain this scholarship as well.
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Disadvantages of studying in Turkey | Pros and Cons عيوب الدراسة في تركيا | عيوب الجامعات الخاصة و الحكومية
Disadvantages of studying in Turkey
Before starting to talk about the disadvantages of studying in Turkey  , we should talk about the history of study in Turkey for international students   Turkey has started a program to attract internationals since 2012, and the Turkish government has developed a lot of targeting and strategies to attract foreign students wishing to study in Turkey  and increase their numbers in both  public universities and private universities.The number of international students began to increase since 2014 very significantly, and Turkey has become one of the most desirable countries by students wishing to study abroad. The Turkish government plan was to reach 300,000 foreign students in Turkish universities by 2023.In view of pros and cons of studying in Turkey , we note that the disadvantages of studying in Turkey are limited to the non-educational section .  Universities in Turkey  have a global ranking and academic efficiency at the theoretical and practical levels, in addition to the diversity of laboratories, research centers and technical cities. With the increase in the number of foreign students, the Turkish government has prepared the infrastructure to receive international students, but because there is no special department concerned with the affairs of international students in Turkish universities , where international students are registered with Turkish students in the same centers, so some negatives have appeared that students coming to study in Turkish universities suffered between 2014 and 2018 .As a result of this shortage, some service offices, student union presidencies and unofficial representations appeared , taking advantage of the students' need and their lack of knowledge of study procedures in Turkey. After the year 2018, all Turkish universities established a special department for accepting international students in all Turkish universities, and the task of these administrative units is limited to international students, registering and guiding them in their university life and completing their procedures in the study residence . With the establishment of these centers and the increase in the number of international students wishing to study in public universities, a new policy began in accepting international students based on each university conducting the YÖS exam (the YÖS exam is a local exam conducted by Turkish universities to select international students)You can read our article on the YÖS exam for more information. Conducting the test for each university separately led to conducting these tests on unstructured dates where it is possible that there are two tests for two different universities on the same date. To get rid of this problem, the Presidency of the Turkish Higher Education Council, starting from 2023, will conduct the Unified YÖS test inside and outside Turkey.You can read our article about the unified YOS (TR-YÖS) We will mention only the disadvantages that still exist, as most of the disadvantages of studying in Turkey have been fixed.
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دراسة الطب في تركيا | رسوم و تكاليف دراسة الطب البشري   Study Medicine in Turkey - Conditions & Tuition Fees
Studying Medicine in Turkey
we will discuss and review study Medicine in Turkey advantages , tuition fees and university ranking , so after the great development witnessed by Turkey at all levels, and with the Turkish government's plan to attract internationals wishing to study in Turkey, so studying medicine in Turkey was one of the most desired requests by foreign students wishing to complete their university life in Turkey. Medicine is considered one of the most ancient specialties throughout history because of its human value.Medicine is available in both private universities in Turkey and public universities , and this specialty is taught in both Turkish and English .With the increase in the number of foreign students who want to study medicine in Turkey  and with the limited seats available by universities, the admission requirements for the specialty of medicine in Turkey have increased, and the difficult admission requirements are considered one of the disadvantages of studying medicine in Turkey. As the lowest rate to  study medicine in Turkey for public universities is 90% in the YÖS exam. The lowest acceptance rate in private universities is 70% in high school (baccalaureate).Duration of studying medicine in Turkey The number of years of Medicine study in Turkey is 6 academic years, after completing which the student obtains a license in medicine and is called a general doctor.The first three years of study are limited to theoretical subjects and students begin practical lessons in Turkish hospitals in the fourth year of their studies.After obtaining a general medicine degree, students wishing to complete the study of medicine in Turkey can take the TUS exam and  choose the appropriate specialization (and we will mention the specialization  programs available for the specialization of medicine in Turkey).costs of studying medicine in Turkey:The prices of studying medicine in Turkish public universities range from 3000 to 6000 dollars annually, this amount is paid in two installments per academic year. Knowing that this installment does not include living or student housing. The prices of studying medicine in Turkey's private universities range from 10,000 to 25,000 dollars annually, this installment does not include housing and living universities to study medicine in Turkey:Many Turkish universities are distinguished in the specialty of medicine, and in 2018 many universities were established that teach medical specialties only, and they were greatly supported by theTurkish government.However, there are some Turkish universities that are world-famous in the medical sector due to what they added at the academic level, in addition to their advanced research centers.The best universities in Turkey to study medicine can be classified as followsFirst: The best public universities in Turkey to study medicine:1- Hacettepe University2- Istanbul University3- Gazi University4- Ankara University5- Ege UniversitySecond: The best private universities in Turkey to study medicine:1-  Koç University2- Bahçeşehir University3- Istanbul Aydın University4- Medipol University5- Yeditepe UniversityContents and system of study Medicine in Turkey:Students are taught basic and medical sciences in the early years as follows:First year of medicine : (biochemistry, histology, anatomy, first aid, medical legislation, microbiology, embryology, mycology, genetics, history of medicine, medical terminology, physiology)Second year of medicine: (Anatomy,physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, histology, embryology, genetics, mycology, diseases of the skeletal system and musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous system, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the blood and immune system)Third year of medicine: (pathology, pharmacology, clinical sciences, medical microbiology, urinary system and its diseases, glands and metabolic diseases, clinical microbiology, specialized English language) Costs of studying medicine in Turkey in public universities
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Studying Dentistry in Turkey - Costs & Universities دراسة طب الاسنان في تركيا | رسوم و تكاليف دراسة طب الأسنان
Studying Dentistry in Turkey
Turkish Universities and health centers have developed surprisingly in the past years , and this progress has been accompanied by the development of studying dentistry in Turkey , and the low costs of dental implants and cosmetic dental surgery in Turkey have been accompanied by the development of private dental centers and their spread significantly, especially in big city .The specialty of dentistry is one of the most famous specialties in Turkey, due to the large number of job opportunities and salaries of dental graduate students in Turkey, and as a result of the great demand by Turkish and international students to study dentistry in Turkey Acceptance rates have risen to be very close to medical acceptance rates . According to the decisions of the Presidency of the Turkish Higher Education Council related to the admission of international students in each of the specialty of medicine,  Dentistry, Pharmacy, which stipulates that the number of international students in these disciplines does not exceed the number of international students, so the acceptance rates in these disciplines have increased significantly.Duration of studying Dentsitry in Turkey:The number of years of dental study in Turkey is 5 years, when the student completes a license in dentistry.Dental students study theoretical subjects for two years, practical subjects begin in the third year, and receive practical training in hospitals in the last two years.After obtaining the certificate of general dentistry, students wishing to specialize can pass the DUS test  and then choose the appropriate specialization.The best university to study dentistry in TurkeyAlthough many universities are distinguished by teaching dentistry, and with the increase in the number of universities specialized in teaching medical specialties only in Turkey.But there are some universities that are distinguished by their laboratories and have a good reputation for teaching this specialty in Turkey, and we mention some of themFirst: The best public universities in Turkey to study dentistry1- Ankara University2- Hacettepe University3- Ege University4- Gazi university5- Atatürk UniversitySecond: The best private universities in Turkey to study dentistry1- Baskent University2- Istanbul Aydın University3- Medipol University4- Yeditepe University5- Bahcesehir University
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Studying in Engineering in Turkey - Costs & Universities  دراسة الهندسة في تركيا | رسوم و تكاليف دراسة الهندسه
Studying Engineering in Turkey
The attention of international students has been directed for studying engineering in Turkey at  all its specialties  in recent years, and this is due to many reasons, for most of which is the great industrial development that Turkey has witnessed, in all areas of industry such as the drone  industry, the automotive industry, the military industries, the clothing and carpet industry, and the manufacture of some electronic parts, and one of the reasons for studying in Turkey for engineering disciplines is also the low costs of studying engineering, Advantages of studying engineering in Turkey, the absence of many disadvantages of studying engineering compared to its advantages.The study of engineering in Turkey is also divided into two faculties: the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Technology.duration of studying engineering in Turkey :1- The duration of studying Bachelor of Engineering in Turkey The number of years of studying Bachelor of Engineering in Turkey is 4 years, and students in the Faculty of Engineering are required to attend practical training in one of the factories or engineering centers associated with his field of work in both the summer semester for the second and third year, in addition to that, due to the orientation of the Faculty of Technology to train students for the labor market, engineering students in the Faculty of Technology are required to train in factories or engineering centers for a full semester in the last year. 2- The duration of studying Master of Engineering in Turkey The number of years of the Master of Engineering in Turkey is two academic years, students study in the first year 8 study tracks, and the second year allocates a thesis for students wishing to study a theoretical master's, and the second year is devoted to the project for those wishing to study a practical master's . 3- Duration of studying doctorate in Engineering in Turkey The number of years of engineering doctorate programs in Turkey is 4 years , divided into scientific tracks and doctorate thesis .Best University to Study Engineering in Turkey:Many universities in Turkey are distinguished by teaching engineering disciplines, and the government has put its weight in developing existing technical universities and establishing some universities interested in teaching engineering and applied sciences only in 2018.There are many prestigious universities to teach engineering and are considered one of the best Turkish universities to study engineering at the local and global levels, including: Best Public Universities to Study Engineering in Turkey1- Istanbul Technical University2- Middle East Technical University3- Yildiz Technical University4- Gazi University5-  Hacettepe UniversityBest Private Universities to Study Engineering in Turkey 1-  Bilkent University2- Koç University3- Sabanci University4- Bilgi University5- Bahcesehir UniversityCosts of studying engineering in public universities in TurkeyThe costs of studying in Turkey for engineering in public universities range from 400 to 800 dollars annually.Costs of studying engineering in private universities in TurkeyThe costs of studying engineering in private universities in Turkey vary, starting from $ 2200 up to $ 9000 annually. The prices of studying engineering in Turkey vary according to the study program, the language of study, and the university.
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